Thursday, November 19, 2020

Episode 22: MLB/ World Series


In Episode 22 of Sports Babble with Myles & Quinn we switched it up a little bit and we decided to to an episode based of baseball. We invited special guest Camden on the show so he could share his thoughts on the subject. After recent news from our state governor we heard we can not have friends to our houses so until were clear we will be doing Sports Babble online, this way everyone stays safe. We switched the set-up a little bit and figured out how to have the online people have a camera so (as you can see from the thumbnail) Quinn in on one side and the caller that is speaking is on the other. 

We continue to have Miles Lane on with his Lanes lowdown section and he has started his own little mini series, the first time he took over that sections he talked about WR's and this time he talked about QB's so we will se what he does next week.

More about the main topic, we talked a little bit about our thoughts on the world series (LA wins 4-2), we talked about what team we were rooting for and we spoke about just anything else baseball related. Thanks for staying updated and we will see you soon!