Monday, September 14, 2020

Behind The Scenes And Update


Hello Sports Babble fans! Since we were not able to post this week we decided to do something that doesn't involve both Quinn and Myles....a behind the scenes time lapse showing what we do to set up the studio and what it looks like to us! This is a little different but let us know in the comment of the YouTube video if you want more stuff like this. Also a little of topic but NFL had some more games yesterday but since there is still a Monday night game we are going to wait until Wednesday to post the week 1 NFL standings. And last but not least, we started a fantasy football league with some friends so also let us know in the comments of our YouTube videos if you want us to update you with that. All said and done, farewell and goodbye until next time.

Also here a little behind the scenes video so you can see what are EP (Executive Producer) does to bring you the show!